12. MOM Sport Mineral Show

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February 26, 2022 10:00 AM
February 27, 2022 19:00 PM


MOM Sport

1123, Budapest
Csörsz Street 14-16.

The 12th Mineral Show at MOM Sport will take place in February 2022, depending on the epidemic, when you will be able to choose from fossils, beautiful gems and quality jewelery that are rare in addition to the traditional selection of domestic and foreign minerals.

When organizing our event, we also thought of the little ones who can test their dexterity in the creative playhouse. Older people and adults can take part in interesting scientific lectures.

The 12th MOM Sport Mineral Show’s visitors will be able to return home rich in not only the treasures of nature, but also their experiences and knowledge.

Upcoming mineral shows

Nemcsak a természet kincseit kínáljuk az 50. Soproni Ásványbörze alkalmával, hanem élményeket is – kicsiknek és nagyoknak egyaránt.

A gyerekek számára ezúttal is lesznek kreatív, készségfejlesztő programok, ahol próbára tehetik kézügyeségüket, kreativitásukat. A geológiával is ismerkedhet azok, akik a földtudományos programokon részt vesznek.

Bővebb információért kérjük, látogasson vissza később!


Very good organization, with colorful performances interspersed with already amazing sights. I can only recommend it to anyone who wants to spend one or even more valuable days in the world of minerals.